Sunday, November 4, 2007

Save Mangrove To Protect Our Coastal Area

By Himawan Arif Sutanto

Indonesia represent the biggest archipelagic country in world have the island of counted 17.506 big island and small (Kamaludin, 2005) with the coastline about 81.000 km and 70% from wide of Indonesia is ocean (5,8 million km2) (Budiharsono, 2001). Partly the area growed by the forest mangrove widely some meter until some kilometer. Pursuant to area broadness, forest of mangrove Indonesia represent the wide of forest mangrove in world ( FAO, 1992 in Onrizal, 2002). But that way, condition of Indonesia mangrove either through qualitative and downhill continued quantitative from year to year. In the year 1999 wide of forest mangrove in Indonesia estimated to reach 8,60 million hectare and 5,30 million hectare among others in a condition destroy (Directorate General of Rehabilitate the Social Forest and Farm 2001). The damage because of very intensive conversion mangrove in the year 1990-an becoming fishpond especially in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi in order to racing exporting of fishery commodity (Gunarto, 2004).

Mangrove as one of the component of ecosystem of coastal area play a part which important enough, either in looking after productivity of territorial water coastal area and also in supporting resident life in the region. To coastal area region, existence of forest mangrove, especially as green band alongside coast / river estuary of vital importance for firewood supply, fish and prawn and also maintain the quality of ecosystem agriculture, fishery and settlement residing in its back from trouble abrasion, strong intrusion and powerful wind sea.

The Ecosystem of mangrove forest in world about 15,9 million ha, 27 % among others reside in the Indonesia. Role Mangrove peculiarly cannot be replaced by other ecosystem, that is as coastal protector from blow, waving sea, as habitat lay eggs, looking after, source of food and growth the species of sea biota.

Apprehensive about decreasing condition of mangrove forest happened in coastal seaboard of Java (Onrizal, 2002). According to result of research of Research Center and Development of Resources Development (LPPSP) Semarang (Kompas, 2004), totalizing wide of areal mangrove in north coastal area of Java becoming decrease. This matter is clear will result the damage of quality and amount of potency of ecosystem resources coastal area, where that mangrove forest reside in downhill and also even the loss of covert function the environmental mangrove forest. According to Kusmana and Onrizal (1998) wide of totalizing area of have potency of mangrove in Central Java Province more or less 95.338,02 hectare. Mostly 76.406,35 ha (80,14 %) located in outside forest area and 18.931,67 ha (19,86%) located in forest area. The area of mangrove in Central Java Province have potency generally damage the weight and damage broadly were 61.194,16 ha (64,19%) and 31.237,53 % (32,76%), while pertained not damage only 2.902,33 ha ( 3,05 %)

The root cause damage of the coastline support forest because change of farm allotment where many society subconsciously open the farm of other agriculture and settlement in farm mangrove. But there is also which caused by a wave height. Its mangrove damage cause decreasing of prawn population and also the amount of fish, because mangrove is place of prawn and fish forage. Loss of mangrove from coastal ecosystem territorial water have caused the annoyed coastal environmental ecology balance. Abundance it materials organic coming from woof residu of effort intensive prawn in coastal territorial water environment also cause the bacterium of opportunistic pathogen turn into really pathogen like bacterium of Vibrio harveyi. Besides, attack of white spot baculo virus ( WSBV) also mount and have caused the death of prawn windu which conducting in fishpond (Ahmad And Mangampa in Gunarto, 2004)

Till now strive to rehabilitate the mangrove still impress by partial, is not comprehensive, less success, and there is no concept and also strategy promising its efficacy. Along of need the existence of conception and strategy rehabilitate the ecosystem of mangrove able to give the guarantee improve its efficacy. Continuation of resources of mangrove forest represent very complex effort be achieved because the activity very requiring nature of accommodative to whole related parties, both for residing in around area and also outside area. Basically this activity is conducted for the shake of fulfilling requirement various importance. But that way, nature of this accommodative will be more be felt by benefit when the siding of to very susceptible institution of mangrove forest, in this case society given a larger ones portion ( Dietriech GB. and Luky A in Sri Puryono, 2006).

Thereby, what require to be paid attention is make society as especial component of activator of mangrove forest continuation. Therefore, society perception to existence of mangrove forest need to be instructed to way of society approach for the importance of resources of mangrove forest. According to Sutrisno (in Sri Puryono, 2006) expressing that integrity concept in coastal area management cover the integrity between institute / sector, integrity between government, integrity between land with the sea, and integrity between science and management. conservancy Mangrove, have to be handled collectively/together between On Duty Oceaninc, Fishery, Forestry and Bapeda and also society awareness for the importance of mangrove forest as environmental balance of custodian sea.


Budiharsono, S. (2001) Teknik Analisis Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir dan Lautan. Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita

Onrizal (2002) “Evaluasi Kerusakan Kawasan Mangrove Dan Alternatif Rehabilitasinya Di Jawa Barat Dan Banten”. Digital Library USU. Fakultas Pertanian Program Ilmu Kehutanan Universitas Sumatera Utara

Gunarto, (2004) “Konservasi Mangrove Sebagai Pendukung Sumber Hayati Perikanan Pantai”. Jurnal Litbang Pertanian. 23 (1)

Ketika Pantura Jateng Terjamah Abrasi 2004 Agustus

Kusmana, C. dan Onrizal. 1998. Evaluasi kerusakan kawasan mangrove dan arahan tekhnik rehabilitasinya di Pulau Jawa. Makalah Utama pada Lokakarya Pembentukan Jaringan Kerja Pelestari Mangrove, tanggal 12 - 13 Agustus 1998 di Pemalang, Jawa.

Sri Puryono (2006) ”Strategi Pengelolaan Hutan Mangrove Berbasis Masyarakat”.

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