Sunday, November 4, 2007

Analyse The Intensity of Violation The Cantrang Gear Usage

By Dian Dwi Laksani

During in the time one of violation type catch the substitution trawl with the target of fish demersal which start many enthused by fisherman in north coast of Central Java is cantrang gears. Tthe cantrang gears in its role as source of small scale fisherman earnings have the character of the dilematis of because one side there is order in Keppres No. 39 year 1980 which prohibit the appliance operation catch the trawl, according to Nomura and Yamazaki ( 1977), appliance type catch like cantrang gear packed into by classification trawl of because its for have experienced of the modification and way of its activity look like the trawl. This research aim to to analyse the intensity of violation of appliance usage cantrang gear in TPI Asemdoyong, Pemalang Regency. Besides also to analyse the influence of variable deterrence (DDETECT, DREMIND,DREPORT,DOBSERV,DCAUGHT), economic oportunitas ( SEAKG), responder moral (PSYCHO), social environmental ( PERTIV), Legitimation ( LEGIT), social demography ( AGE, TFAM, LONG) and Horse Power ( HP) to intensity of collision of fishery regulation ( FREQ)

This research used primary and secondary data. The sample was conducted by multistages sampling. There are 100 fisherman in this research using cantrang gear in TPI Asemdoyong taken as sample. Estimation technique worked by Tobit model with the Maximum likelihood Estimation (MLE).

The result that only there are six variable which by significance influence the dependent variable FREQ that is variable of Deterrence ( DDETECT, DREMIND, DREPORT, DOBSERV, and DCAUGHT), and experience variable (LONG). While other variable not significant in influencing FREQ variable. Although by normative there is not match sign between the expectation and theoretical frame work but as a whole model this can explain the violation phenomenon of exist in field. This matter is supported by enumeration by using Log-Likelihood Ratio Test the (LLRT). To finish the problem of this violation regulation fishery hence the importance of make-up of regulation and also the importance of designed] system of observation and monitoring together with in concerned and also execution guide of along with its socialization enough to related parties. To lessen the violation storey; hence require to be specified by sanction and penalization which enough heavily so that discourage trespasser.

1 comment:

DIAN said...

assalamualaikum....hehehhe baru liat postingan mas him....mksh ya mas...jadi inget....harusnya yang waktu itu study ttg hutan mangrove di pemalang aku kasih ke mas him yah...biar bisa diposting lagi...hehehhe. salam buat prof. Indah....
