Climate change... Global warming call it any name. Am meant to understand that climate is changing rapidly in all the continents due to the effects of Global Warming. One of the encroached continents by this pandemic is Africa my motherland. So what''s next? In a recent Conference on Climate Changes and Global Warming in Kenya that went ahead, nations are trying find and sort out this rapid and malicious pandemic that might leave thousands and thousands of communities hopeless and homeless. Recently there have been persistent droughts and heavy rains causing floods and deadly menace in African countries that have left many communities in despair and lots of problems. Some have lost close relatives, friends and millions of properties due to the repercussions of these climatic changes. There are solutions in hand right now to drastically cut global warming pollution. Act now -- put clean, innovative energy technologies to use, and enact policies to encourage their rapid, widespread adoption -- and we can stop global warming in its tracks. Instead of nearly doubling U.S. global warming pollution by 2050, we can cut it by more than half using today''s technology. And with the proper incentives in place, even more innovative solutions will emerge along the way, leading to even bigger reductions. These measures such as boosting efficiency energy, use of better cars and smart growth, use of bio fuels and renewal energy as well as returning carbon to the ground are promising measures that would save our globe.
My friends is there hope for AFRICA? Moreover, is there hope for the entire GLOBE? Hope nations plus the whole communities in the entire globe came up with policies and framework on the implementation of these policies to safeguard our people and the nations at large. It''s time for all of us as nations be united to fight this pandemic for this would make our GLOBE a better place for all of us to live in. to get more on this topic please browse on the links below.
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