Sunday, January 30, 2011

Solar Power to Energy – New Process

 by: Sam Braidley

Up to a few weeks back we knew only of a handful of processes to harness the immense sources of energy transmitted on to the earth surface. All forms of energy except perhaps nuclear energy, originated from the sun. (Sun it self is a huge nuclear reactor, come to think of it!) We have been converting this radiant energy to a form usable in a traditional application. But since time immemorial the most efficient conversion process has been photosynthesis by plant life with chlorophyll.

However much tried we have not been able so far to duplicate this seemingly simple chemical process.

However the latest news coming out from the Swiss and US solar researchers labs is that a new process has been developed which uses Water, Carbon dioxide and solar energy, to duplicate photosynthesis in a way (though not exact). As you know Hydrogen is the most efficient combustible fuel known to man but hitherto has not been able to produce or store safely and economically. Though not an exact copy of photosynthesis, the new process at least to a certain extend mimic it and provide high energy fuel of Hydrogen along with Carbon monoxide as end products.

The Hydrogen is expected to be used in fuel cells or as Syngas along with the Carbon Monoxide produced.

The device

Millions of hectares of green vegetation covering the earth’s surface is our life blood. They provide energy, clean our atmosphere, provide Oxygen for us to breath, keep the surface soil bound and many other known and unknown benefits. Our present technology is not yet competent enough to provide all these to us.

The new system that only partly mimic the natural process consists of a concentrated solar radiation collector, Porous Ceria (Cerium Oxide) lined vessel which is insulated with Alumina ( ie. the simple salt aluminium oxide), an inlet to the vessel interior for Carbon dioxide and water and an outlet at the bottom for hi efficiency fuels Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide. The metal oxide Ceria is a rare earth element but is about the commonest in nature in the series.

The Process

Metal Oxide Ceria is a salt with a peculiar property. It imbibes oxygen when it’s temperature rises and releases oxygen when cools down. What the new device does is that it absorbs the heat from the concentrated solar radiation which passes through the quartz cover of the device. Porous ceria lines the inner surface of the chamber to which CO2 and Water is entered. The end products are Hydrogen and Carbon monoxide, both efficient fuels.

Currently the problem with Photovoltaic Solar panels and Thermal Solar panels is that they are static and the collected energy is difficult to transport or stored enmasse. The high efficient fuels of the new process earmarked for future environmentally friendly automobiles, air craft, industrial processes etc. provide ways to store them close by outdoors as well as within the place/machine of usage.

Just like for any volatile fuel or chemical these high energy fuels too will have to be stored or transported with extreme caution and due safety measures observed.

It is expected that the new device will provide solutions for many a current problem experienced with renewable energy usages. The major draw back presently is the low efficiency of the device. Swiss and US Scientists who are involved in this invention expect to have a break through in this regard soon.

Interestingly this machine can also be used to produce Methane too, another fuel whose energy content is less and easily adopted for domestic energy applications.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Global Warming

by Picofly

Climate change... Global warming call it any name. Am meant to understand that climate is changing rapidly in all the continents due to the effects of Global Warming. One of the encroached continents by this pandemic is Africa my motherland. So what''s next? In a recent Conference on Climate Changes and Global Warming in Kenya that went ahead, nations are trying find and sort out this rapid and malicious pandemic that might leave thousands and thousands of communities hopeless and homeless. Recently there have been persistent droughts and heavy rains causing floods and deadly menace in African countries that have left many communities in despair and lots of problems. Some have lost close relatives, friends and millions of properties due to the repercussions of these climatic changes. There are solutions in hand right now to drastically cut global warming pollution. Act now -- put clean, innovative energy technologies to use, and enact policies to encourage their rapid, widespread adoption -- and we can stop global warming in its tracks. Instead of nearly doubling U.S. global warming pollution by 2050, we can cut it by more than half using today''s technology. And with the proper incentives in place, even more innovative solutions will emerge along the way, leading to even bigger reductions. These measures such as boosting efficiency energy, use of better cars and smart growth, use of bio fuels and renewal energy as well as returning carbon to the ground are promising measures that would save our globe.

My friends is there hope for AFRICA? Moreover, is there hope for the entire GLOBE? Hope nations plus the whole communities in the entire globe came up with policies and framework on the implementation of these policies to safeguard our people and the nations at large. It''s time for all of us as nations be united to fight this pandemic for this would make our GLOBE a better place for all of us to live in. to get more on this topic please browse on the links below.


Saturday, January 15, 2011


After the eruption of Merapi Mountain new threats appear to subside now that the cold lava flood is threatening the population along the river through which the cold lava merapi

Largest cold lava flood through river of Kali putih, Jumoyo Village, Magelang Central Java, causing chaotic activity of citizens. Hundreds of residents in seven villages in the vicinity of the cold lava flood difficulty to perform their daily activities. That vilage are Gempol, Ngipik, Randukuning , Gebayan, Sabrangkali and Tegalsari Seloiring.

Some public facilities damaged in the form of school. Way too much cold lava submerged material in the form of boulders and sand.

The majority of shops located along street of Magelang-Yogyakarta choose close. As a result, citizens of difficulty in obtaining basic need.

Loss of three bridges in 3 villages, namely Cirahan Hamlet, Hamlet and Hamlet Cibayan Sabrangkali, also makes the residents can not get out of the house.

166 Villager Life residents Ngipik in a radius of 10 km from Bridge of Kali Putih also felt very worried because of the accident. Lava flood is estimated to have expanded and turned the river of kali putih. Even the voice sounded jarring cold lava flood in the village.

Last night a cold lava flood overflowed into street of Magelang-Yogyakarta, 3 meters high and 500 meters further along. Conditions
Highway of Magelang-Yogyakarta is devastated. Road section was still closed