by Welhelmus Nabunome, Sutrisno Anggoro,
and Indah Susilowati
This Research had a purpose to make an estimation of the maximum catch of demersal fish (MSY), Effort Maximum Sustainable Yield (Emsy), Effort Maximum Economic Yield (Emey), Maximum Economic Yield (MEY), Effort Open Access (EoA), analysed the profitability of the net arad and formulated the right policy in the management of fisheries resources.
The research was carried out in TPI Muarareja Kota Tegal. By using fisheries bioeconomical model as it's analysis implement. The kind of data that was taken consisted of the primary data which was carried out by interview using questioner, observation and documentation and also secondary data which was received from the District, the related service, BPS and book study.
The results of the research showed that the bioeconomical analysis with schaefer model acquired Maximum Sustainable Yield value (MSY) of demersal fish in Tegal City as big as 9,764.18 ton/year with optimal efforts 23.842 trips/year. The Maximum Economic Yield value (MEY) was in the production of 9,687.71 ton/year with optimal efforts 21.732 trips/year. The efforts at the time of access were opened (EoA) of 43.464 trips/year with the production 3,150.48 ton/year. The level of the profit at the time of MSY of Rp. 55,369,988,265 per year. MEY of Rp. 55,896,871,018 per year, when access was opened (EoA) Rp. 0,- whereas the bioeconomical analysis with Fox model acquired Maximum Sustainable Yield value (MSY) of demersal fish in Tegal City as big as 5.530 ton/year with optimal efforts 20,823 trips/year. The Maximum Economic Yield value (MEY) was in the production 5.376 ton/year with optimal efforts 16,258 trips/year. The efforts at the time of access were opened (EoA) of 47,860 trips/year with the production 3.469 ton/year. The level of profit at the time of MSY of Rp. 27,700,107,628 per year, MEY of Rp. 27.700.107.628 per year, MEY of Rp. 28.919.037.006 per year, when access was open (EoA) Rp.0,- the Profitability of arad net per trip of Rp. 81.913 analysis with the Schaefer model showed that an overfishing occurred on demersal fish in Tegal City since 1997 with effort of 33.530,18 trips/year which was bigger than MSY effort namely 23.842 trips/ year, the Fox model also showed the same results that is overfishing has happened during 1997 to the production 6.451,20 ton/year which was bigger than MSY production that is 5.530 ton/year with the level of the utilisation of 149.92%.
The research was carried out in TPI Muarareja Kota Tegal. By using fisheries bioeconomical model as it's analysis implement. The kind of data that was taken consisted of the primary data which was carried out by interview using questioner, observation and documentation and also secondary data which was received from the District, the related service, BPS and book study.
The results of the research showed that the bioeconomical analysis with schaefer model acquired Maximum Sustainable Yield value (MSY) of demersal fish in Tegal City as big as 9,764.18 ton/year with optimal efforts 23.842 trips/year. The Maximum Economic Yield value (MEY) was in the production of 9,687.71 ton/year with optimal efforts 21.732 trips/year. The efforts at the time of access were opened (EoA) of 43.464 trips/year with the production 3,150.48 ton/year. The level of the profit at the time of MSY of Rp. 55,369,988,265 per year. MEY of Rp. 55,896,871,018 per year, when access was opened (EoA) Rp. 0,- whereas the bioeconomical analysis with Fox model acquired Maximum Sustainable Yield value (MSY) of demersal fish in Tegal City as big as 5.530 ton/year with optimal efforts 20,823 trips/year. The Maximum Economic Yield value (MEY) was in the production 5.376 ton/year with optimal efforts 16,258 trips/year. The efforts at the time of access were opened (EoA) of 47,860 trips/year with the production 3.469 ton/year. The level of profit at the time of MSY of Rp. 27,700,107,628 per year, MEY of Rp. 27.700.107.628 per year, MEY of Rp. 28.919.037.006 per year, when access was open (EoA) Rp.0,- the Profitability of arad net per trip of Rp. 81.913 analysis with the Schaefer model showed that an overfishing occurred on demersal fish in Tegal City since 1997 with effort of 33.530,18 trips/year which was bigger than MSY effort namely 23.842 trips/ year, the Fox model also showed the same results that is overfishing has happened during 1997 to the production 6.451,20 ton/year which was bigger than MSY production that is 5.530 ton/year with the level of the utilisation of 149.92%.
The management strategy in part: a). Restriction on fishing quota at the time of MSY as big as 409 kg/trip (the Schaefer model) and 296 kg/trip (the Fox model), b). Restriction of fishing quota at the time of MEY as big as 446 kg/trip (the Schaefer model) and 295 kg/trip (the Fox model), c). the policy towards wide measurement of the net eyes, conservation (planting of the mangrove, the production of the artificial coral reef), d). the relocation of fishermen to the area that still having potential that could be developed, e). the restriction on the publication of capture permission for the new ship. f). the existence of the co-operation between the Government, Non-Govermental Organisation, University, stakeholders (the fisherman) in the management of demersal fish resources, g). needed the existence of controlling, monitoring, and surveilance towards the utilisation of fish resources, h). needed the Fisheries Information System existence (FIS), fisheries catching as the foundation of the utilization policy and management of demersal fish resources
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