Step 1: "Practice makes perfect"Demo trade.
We can't more long live in the world if we are not doing something to save the world. Everyone in everywhere, let's save the world from damage for the future life.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
How to Get Started FOREX
Step 1: "Practice makes perfect"Demo trade.
What is Forex (Foreign Exchange)?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Efficiency and Increasing Strategy of Auction Places
By Himawan Arif Sutanto
One of duty of the Auction places is to conduct transaction of sales through biding so that the fish price become higher and stabilize and also give to give advantage for fisherman. To take care of that stability needed a effort to optimization of the Auction functions. Therefore this research take title "The Efficiency an Increasing strategy of Auctions Place Performance”.
Analysis technique used in this research is non-parametric approach with DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) to measure efficiency score from each Auctions. Efficiency measured in DEA have the technical character. Model measurement efficiency used in this research is constant return to scale (CCR) with Output maximization constructively software of Banxia Frontier Analysis.
The Result of this study is obtained indicate that 10 Auction places analyzed, there are 6 Auctions which not yet reached efficiency score 100% or not yet compared other; that is TPI Mlonggo, Morodemak, Wedung, Jobokuto, Sambioroto and Banyutowo. To increasing Auctions management which not yet efficient hence need to change input and output as according to requirement and relate TPI Sarang, Karanganyar, Tasik Agung and Bajomulyo. Needed to control in Auction management in order to able to improve volume produce with remain to pay attention in inputs use.
Key words : Efficiency, Auction Places, Fishers, DEA, Central Java
Search Engine Optimization and How to Use It
15 Ways To Read An RSS Feed
No doubt you have seen those small orange 'XML' or 'RSS' buttons beginning to spread across some of your favourite web sites. Perhaps you have clicked on one out of curiosity, only to be faced with a barrage of angle brackets and undecipherable code, seemingly designed to scare the heck out of anyone less than familiar with the intricacies of this new fangled technology creeping across the web.But once you click on that button - what do you do then? This article will show you exactly what to do. RSS? It's actually Really Simple, Stupid.The first thing to do of course is click that button. It may be an orange button with 'XML' or 'RSS' written across it; or you could see the word 'Atom'; or, less commonly, it could be blue with maybe the initials 'RDF'; or it could be a simple link with something like 'Grab My Feed'. Gets confusing, doesn't it? But what the acronyms like XML and RSS actually stand for is less than important - what to do after clicking the button is the important bit.After clicking the button, you will see all that code - if you have ever viewed the source code to a web page, it looks a little similar. RSS is just another language of the web, but you can actually completely ignore the code itself, just like you can ignore the source code behind web pages that you visit - you are only interested in the end product that the code is designed to produce for you, the end user.In the case of RSS, that end product is up to date news on the topics you are interested in.
Here are 15 different news readers you can choose from, in approximate order of recommendation under each category:
Browser-Based:BlogLines (
AmphetaDesk (
NewsIsFree (
Software For Windows:NewsGator (
- integrates into Microsoft OutlookFeedDemon (
Awasu (
SharpReader (
FeedReader (
NewsWatcher (
NewsRanker (
claims to learn from your news reading to prioritize the feed items you receive
Novobot (
extracts headlines from feeds, and also web sites that you are interested in
Radio Userland (
blogging tool with an integrated news aggregator
Software For Mac: NetNewsWire (
Software For Linux:Straw (
for GNOMERSS2email (
Python script that sends you new messages from your feeds via emailIt's useful to spend a few minutes researching some appropriate choices - once you've decided on one that you believe to be suitable, you can start picking up new feeds straight away. It's Really So Simple, you won't look back.
Source article:
Friday, November 9, 2007
(Studi Kasus Di Wonogiri)
Erlyna Wida R1, Sri Widodo2, Djuwari3
The objective of this research is to know whether there are comparative and competitive advantages of cashew nut in shell in Central Java and constraints to increase export of Indonesian cashew nut and the alternative to solve it. Primary data were collected from cashew fruit farmer in 2002 production process in Wonogiri, Central Java.
The method in this research is using Domestic Resource Cost Ratio (DRCR) analysis to know the comparative advantages and Competitive Advantage Ratio (CAR) analysis to know the competitive advantages. Sensitivity analysis used to know effect of changed variable to DRCR and CAR value.
The result of this research shows that cashew fruit production in Indonesia are financially and economically still profitable. Both of financially and eonomically, give the profit of Rp 224,153 per hectare and Rp 465,340 per hectare. Cashew nut in shell in Central Java have competitiveness showed comparative and competitive advantage in domestic production with DRCR is 0.75 and CAR is 0.93. In the case of sensitivity analysis, parcially rising social input price (fertilizer, insecticide, labour, rent of land, and exchange rate) until 50% still have comparative advantage but not for exchange rate. Simultaneously, rising social input price until 30% does not have comparative advantage any more. Increasing export tax, together with rising output price and exchange rate are 10% begin to give competitive advantage. The problem to develop cashew nut export is more than half of cashew nut is cashew nut in shell, that the opportunity to increase value added for national economy did not used so good, export of cashew nut is concentrate on only several countries, export volume is fluctuating.
Key words : competitiveness, comparative advantage, competitive advantage
1. Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana Ekonomi Pertanian, UGM
2. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
3. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Program Studi Ekonomi Pertanian (2003)
Zahron Helmy
The research of credit affect for Rural Income Generation Project (RIGP) on Family Farmers (FFs) Income and expenditure is aimed to know program impact to educational aspect, family-member health and Small Fisherman-Farmers (SFFs) community social activity. And economically the research also have purpose to know credit impact on venture volume, income, family consumption, as well on employment and income distribution.
The research is conducted in Grobogan District Central Java, on 222 SFFs, in 12 sub-districts, 42 villages, and 44 Small Farmer Groups (SFGs) of RIGP program participant, by using descriptive analysis, regression analysis model, and Gini index as well poverty index.
The research result shows descriptively occurred significant quite improvement for physical condition and SFFs family environment of RIGP program participant, which shown by the higher family-member percentage following formal education level, higher utility percentage of health facility and SFFs behaviour change for participating in community social activity in their village.
Based on statistical calculation it is obtained that low category credit value impact on SFFs employment (t-cal=4.143), which have impact on income (t-cal=1.839). But high category credit value, the credit addition even reducing SFFs employment itself (t-cal=2.133). This is caused by for uncreating market, marketing network and product/venture diversification from SFFs. For middle category credit value, credit value affect on venture volume (t-cal=2.051), which has impact on consumption (t-cal=2.439).
While SFFs income distribution of RIGP participant in Grobogan District it is obtained value (GC=0.32), be in middle inequality (GC=0.30 to 0.40), which means that relative income less spread unaveragely in each SFFs program participant. And for middle category credit, GC value is relative higher compared to high and low category credit value, namely as large as (GC=0.35). This value shows that income distribution for each SFFs of middle category credit receiver exists significant quite income inequality, which relative higher than high and low category credit value receiver SFFs.
Furthermore, based on poverty standard of Grobogan District which measured based on income per capita/month as large as Rp. 74,007,- it has been achieved value 51,35% credit receiver SFFs still be in poor condition, with the lowest inequality level on high category credit receiver as large as PG=0,1801.
Keywords: RIGP credit affect, income distribution, poverty inequality.
Program Studi Ekonomi Pertanian (2003)
Tesis Pasca Sarjana Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta
This research entitled “ Impact of Cocoa Development on Household Economic of Arfak Farmers in Manokwari District” and its objectives are 1) to determine the impact of cocoa development on family labour employment; 2) to estimate the factors influencing the labour employment in cocoa farming; 3) to determine the impact of cocoa development on income, income distribution, and family welfares; and 4) to measure the income contribution of cocoa farming to the farmers’ total incomes.
The research was conducted in Manokwari district from December, 2002 until February, 2003 by applying survey method. Primary data, were collected from 30 respondents of the cocoa farmers and 30 families of the non-cocoa farmers.
Test of two independent samples were done for comparing the household labour employments and incomes of the two sampled groups (cocoa farmers and the non-cocoa farmers). The factors, which affect the labour usage were estimated by Ordinary Least Square Method (OLS). Income distribution was analyzed by Gini Ratio and the level of family welfare is processed by tabulation.
The analysis results reveal that the cocoa development did not influenced the family labour employment in the farms. The factors influencing the labour employment in the farm consist of the quantity of family labour forces and the revenue from cocoa farming.
The cocoa development had impacts on the income improvement, income distribution of the cocoa farmers, and family welfares. Income distribution of the cocoa farmers is equal distributed than that of the non-cocoa farmers. For welfare level, the cocoa farmers are more prosperous than the non-cocoa farmers.
Income contribution of cocoa farming to the farmers’ total incomes was classified into high level of 60.99 per cent.
Key Words: Cocoa, Labor Forces, Income Distribution, Welfares.
Program Studi Ekonomi Pertanian (2003)
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Save Mangrove To Protect Our Coastal Area
By Himawan Arif Sutanto
Mangrove as one of the component of ecosystem of coastal area play a part which important enough, either in looking after productivity of territorial water coastal area and also in supporting resident life in the region. To coastal area region, existence of forest mangrove, especially as green band alongside coast / river estuary of vital importance for firewood supply, fish and prawn and also maintain the quality of ecosystem agriculture, fishery and settlement residing in its back from trouble abrasion, strong intrusion and powerful wind sea.
The Ecosystem of mangrove forest in world about 15,9 million ha, 27 % among others reside in the
Apprehensive about decreasing condition of mangrove forest happened in coastal seaboard of Java (Onrizal, 2002). According to result of research of
The root cause damage of the coastline support forest because change of farm allotment where many society subconsciously open the farm of other agriculture and settlement in farm mangrove. But there is also which caused by a wave height. Its mangrove damage cause decreasing of prawn population and also the amount of fish, because mangrove is place of prawn and fish forage. Loss of mangrove from coastal ecosystem territorial water have caused the annoyed coastal environmental ecology balance. Abundance it materials organic coming from woof residu of effort intensive prawn in coastal territorial water environment also cause the bacterium of opportunistic pathogen turn into really pathogen like bacterium of Vibrio harveyi. Besides, attack of white spot baculo virus ( WSBV) also mount and have caused the death of prawn windu which conducting in fishpond (Ahmad And Mangampa in Gunarto, 2004)
Till now strive to rehabilitate the mangrove still impress by partial, is not comprehensive, less success, and there is no concept and also strategy promising its efficacy. Along of need the existence of conception and strategy rehabilitate the ecosystem of mangrove able to give the guarantee improve its efficacy. Continuation of resources of mangrove forest represent very complex effort be achieved because the activity very requiring nature of accommodative to whole related parties, both for residing in around area and also outside area. Basically this activity is conducted for the shake of fulfilling requirement various importance. But that way, nature of this accommodative will be more be felt by benefit when the siding of to very susceptible institution of mangrove forest, in this case society given a larger ones portion ( Dietriech GB. and Luky A in Sri Puryono, 2006).
Thereby, what require to be paid attention is make society as especial component of activator of mangrove forest continuation. Therefore, society perception to existence of mangrove forest need to be instructed to way of society approach for the importance of resources of mangrove forest. According to Sutrisno (in Sri Puryono, 2006) expressing that integrity concept in coastal area management cover the integrity between institute / sector, integrity between government, integrity between land with the sea, and integrity between science and management. conservancy Mangrove, have to be handled collectively/together between On Duty Oceaninc, Fishery, Forestry and Bapeda and also society awareness for the importance of mangrove forest as environmental balance of custodian sea.
Budiharsono, S. (2001) Teknik Analisis Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir dan Lautan.
Onrizal (2002) “Evaluasi Kerusakan Kawasan Mangrove Dan Alternatif Rehabilitasinya Di Jawa Barat Dan Banten”. Digital Library USU. Fakultas Pertanian Program Ilmu Kehutanan Universitas Sumatera Utara
Gunarto, (2004) “Konservasi Mangrove Sebagai Pendukung Sumber Hayati Perikanan Pantai”. Jurnal Litbang Pertanian. 23 (1)
Ketika Pantura Jateng Terjamah Abrasi 2004 Agustus
Kusmana, C. dan Onrizal. 1998. Evaluasi kerusakan kawasan mangrove dan arahan tekhnik rehabilitasinya di Pulau Jawa. Makalah Utama pada Lokakarya Pembentukan Jaringan Kerja Pelestari Mangrove, tanggal 12 - 13 Agustus 1998 di Pemalang, Jawa.
Sri Puryono (2006) ”Strategi Pengelolaan Hutan Mangrove Berbasis Masyarakat”.
Analyse The Intensity of Violation The Cantrang Gear Usage
By Dian Dwi Laksani
This research used primary and secondary data. The sample was conducted by multistages sampling. There are 100 fisherman in this research using cantrang gear in TPI Asemdoyong taken as sample. Estimation technique worked by Tobit model with the Maximum likelihood Estimation (MLE).
The result that only there are six variable which by significance influence the dependent variable FREQ that is variable of Deterrence ( DDETECT, DREMIND, DREPORT, DOBSERV, and DCAUGHT), and experience variable (LONG). While other variable not significant in influencing FREQ variable. Although by normative there is not match sign between the expectation and theoretical frame work but as a whole model this can explain the violation phenomenon of exist in field. This matter is supported by enumeration by using Log-Likelihood Ratio Test the (LLRT). To finish the problem of this violation regulation fishery hence the importance of make-up of regulation and also the importance of designed] system of observation and monitoring together with in concerned and also execution guide of along with its socialization enough to related parties. To lessen the violation storey; hence require to be specified by sanction and penalization which enough heavily so that discourage trespasser.
Efficiency Analysis Of Trammelnet Gears in Cilacap Regency,
By Irma Suryahani
The aim of this research is to analyze the efficiency variables input (technical, price, and economic efficiency) of catching effort by trammel net in Cilacap Regency Central Java. The variables input are labors, fuel, gear, boat, fisher’s experience and foods supply that can be impact of fish production by trammel net. There are 103 respondents of trammel net fisher that could be collected by survey method in this location. The software that used for this data collected is Frontier Production function from Limited Dependent Program (Viswanathan, K. Kuperan,,2002 and Zen, L.W.,,2002).
The estimation result shown that fishing effort with trammel net in Cilacap sea is in-efficiencies. The value of technical efficiency from this gear is 0,416. It’s mean only 41,6% input variables from all of input effective been used. So, there is most of it (58,4%) are useless. Input variables such as gear, fisherman’s experience and foods supply are significant to this function, other’s aren’t but all of them can be explain the dependent variable (fishery production by trammel net). It shown by likelihood scale is -134,357. It can be conclus in that fishing area (
Fisherman should be use another gear except trammel net in order to keep the sustainable ecosystem in that area.
Efficiency Analysis Of Fishing Port In Idonesia And Development Strategy
By Imam Bustan
In order to intensify role of
Technique analysis is using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) software application to measure of level of the efficiency relative to 19th (nineteenth) Fishing Ports in
From of 19th (nineteenth) Fishing Ports in
The result of confirmation with the responders with inconsistency ratio 0,06 <>Port Facilities Perfecting is not recommended by DEA because will add the input variable of Capital Expense as cause inefficient, hence for the consist of with the priority needed availability adequate fund and commitment stakeholders to exploit the Cilacap Ocean Fishing Port in an optimal, and than so for applied that choice can to execute of building the breakwater and dredging of track traffic into Fishing Port.
Key words: Efficiency,
Efficiency Analysis Of The 1st, 2nd And 3rd Class Of Fish Markets In Central Java
Sulistyani Dyah Pramitasari
Traditionally, after the fishermen got capture fishing result, they tried to sell it to the consumer themselves by the meaning of barter or certain value money. This activity was not well organized and might not efficient and nor productive. The fish quality was not maintained, that made the price tended to decline. Fish market (TPI) has an important role in a fishing port and its needs to be well manage to reach optimum usage. But in TPI, not all the pre requisitions are well available and optimum, that cause TPI inefficient. Therefore, it is necessary to concrete a study on TPI analysis and its development for fishermen welfare.
The aim of this research are to analyze the efficency of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class of TPI in Central Java, also to examine TPI development possibility for fishermen welfare by the meaning of input and output identification at 9 (nine) 1st, 2nd and 3rd class TPI in Central Java, that are : TPI PPNP, TPI Bajomulyo, TPI Pelabuhan Tegal, TPI Tasikagung, TPI Karanganyar, TPI Sarang, TPI Pandangan, TPI Klidang Lor, TPI PPSC and TPI Tanjungsari. Then the data will be analyzed with data analysis tool.
This research was done with explorative descriptive methods. Data and information gathering was done with documentation, observation and interview approaches. The analysis tool used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Data calculation used was Banxia Frontier Analysis software, with efficiency score for each TPI. The meaning of 100% score is the TPI was efficient. But if the score was below 100% means that the TPI was inneficient.
The research result shows that 9 (nine) TPI already gain efficient score that is 100%, meanwhile the other 1 (one) that is TPI PPSC with 92,02%. To reach efficient score, need to be done reduction or additional of input and output at the TPI, refers to potential improvement of suggested calculation.
TPI that are reach efficient score, should maintain it stable and well. Hoped that the TPI performances can increase. Therefore, the authorized sides should arrange permission and management of whether reduction and additional input and output of TPI, refers to TPI necessity. To make inefficient TPI becoming efficient, reduction and additional of input and output can refer to the efficient TPI, to reach the same performance.
Friday, November 2, 2007

The research was carried out in TPI Muarareja Kota Tegal. By using fisheries bioeconomical model as it's analysis implement. The kind of data that was taken consisted of the primary data which was carried out by interview using questioner, observation and documentation and also secondary data which was received from the District, the related service, BPS and book study.
The results of the research showed that the bioeconomical analysis with schaefer model acquired Maximum Sustainable Yield value (MSY) of demersal fish in Tegal City as big as 9,764.18 ton/year with optimal efforts 23.842 trips/year. The Maximum Economic Yield value (MEY) was in the production of 9,687.71 ton/year with optimal efforts 21.732 trips/year. The efforts at the time of access were opened (EoA) of 43.464 trips/year with the production 3,150.48 ton/year. The level of the profit at the time of MSY of Rp. 55,369,988,265 per year. MEY of Rp. 55,896,871,018 per year, when access was opened (EoA) Rp. 0,- whereas the bioeconomical analysis with Fox model acquired Maximum Sustainable Yield value (MSY) of demersal fish in Tegal City as big as 5.530 ton/year with optimal efforts 20,823 trips/year. The Maximum Economic Yield value (MEY) was in the production 5.376 ton/year with optimal efforts 16,258 trips/year. The efforts at the time of access were opened (EoA) of 47,860 trips/year with the production 3.469 ton/year. The level of profit at the time of MSY of Rp. 27,700,107,628 per year, MEY of Rp. 27.700.107.628 per year, MEY of Rp. 28.919.037.006 per year, when access was open (EoA) Rp.0,- the Profitability of arad net per trip of Rp. 81.913 analysis with the Schaefer model showed that an overfishing occurred on demersal fish in Tegal City since 1997 with effort of 33.530,18 trips/year which was bigger than MSY effort namely 23.842 trips/ year, the Fox model also showed the same results that is overfishing has happened during 1997 to the production 6.451,20 ton/year which was bigger than MSY production that is 5.530 ton/year with the level of the utilisation of 149.92%.