Saturday, April 4, 2009

27 Provinces' Environments in Crisis

Of 33 provinces, there are around 27 provinces which are in poor condition.


Elin Yunita Kristanti, Aries Setiawan

VIVAnews - The environmental condition in Indonesia is getting worse. According to Communication Deputy for the Environment and Human Empowerment at the Ministry of the Environment, Hendri Bastaman, every year, the environmental condition is degrading.

"Of 33 provinces, there are around 27 provinces which are in poor condition due to, among others, landslide and and flood. We must seek the solution," he said on Wednesday, March 25.

According to Bastaman, several areas have suffered from terrible damage because of, for example, extreme weather change. "The nature could probably still support, but massive exploitation causes disaster," he added.

In February 2009, the overflown Bengawan Solo river flooded four regencies in East Java. The flood claimed the lives of 16 and inundated thousands of homes and buildings.

The damage in upstream areas caused water debit to increase, causing a dam to wrack.

Not only disaster, the environmental damage has also triggered conflict between humans and animals, especially concerning Sumatran tigers. Six people had been killed by the tigers, whereas the big cats were killed by angry mob.

A number of cases on tigers moving out of the forest has been considered as a nature's alert on environmental damage in the forest. The damage can be inflicted by forest exploitation, illegal logging, forest and land burning.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Makin Down

Sri Mulyani (Menkeu RI)

JAKARTA - Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani memastikan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia terancam direvisi kembali atau berada di bawah dari target sebelumnya.

"Secara nyata, dampak dari krisis pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia semakin down. Dan ini akibat faktor eksternal," kata Menkeu Sri Mulyani di Gedung Depkeu, Jalan Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta, Senin (16/3/2009).

Namun sayangnya, dia belum mau menyebutkan angkanya, dengan pertimbangan masih ada harapan jika ekonomi Indonesia masih bisa bertahan dari target revisi yang nantinya akan ditetapkan.

Hal tersebut disampaikannya menyinggung tentang dampak bagi Indonesia terhadap prediksi lembaga IMF yang menjelaskan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia kembali mengalami penurunan tajam menjadi minus 0,5 persen sampai minus satu persen dari sebelumnya 0,5-0 persen.



[Source: KULIAH PEREKONOMIAN INDONESIA - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]